Reports AppΒΆ

Reports app, generate reports

  • Understand complex queries and generate reports
  • Manage storage and control each technical flow
  • Transform in artifact pdf, csv or json

Maestro Server - Microservice

Reports using Flask, and python >3.6, used Celery Beat feature to call tasks, have strong dependences with discovery app and server app, reports use a standalone MongoDB (only reports app see this db).

Important topics

  • Controller used factory task to organize the workflow report generetaion.

  • The process is divided

    • general/pivot: prepare and select result (communicate with discovery api)
    • notification: notificate any message (use discovery app to do)
    • upload: control flow data (throttle inserets)
    • webhook: insert/update data in mongodb or any endpoint
    • aggregation - Execute aggregation tasks and save in report collections
    • notify - Notify status task to websocket and audit services

Installation with python 3

  • Python >3.4
  • RabbitMQ
  • MongoDB

Download de repository

git clone

Install run api

python -m flask --port 5005

or FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run --port 5005


npm run server

Install run rabbit workers

celery -A app.celery worker -E -Q report --hostname=report@%h --loglevel=info


npm run celery


For production environment, use something like gunicorn.


import os

bind = "" + str(os.environ.get("MAESTRO_PORT", 5005))
workers = os.environ.get("MAESTRO_GWORKERS", 2)

Env variables

Env Variables Example Description
MAESTRO_PORT 5005 Port used
MAESTRO_MONGO_URI localhost Mongo Url conn
MAESTRO_MONGO_DATABASE maestro-reports Db name, its differente of servers-app
MAESTRO_DATA_URI http://localhost:5010 Data layer api
MAESTRO_REPORT_URI http://localhost:5005 Report api
MAESTRO_AUDIT_URI http://localhost:10900 Audit App - API URL
MAESTRO_WEBSOCKET_URI http://localhost:8000 Webosocket App - API URL
MAESTRO_SECRETJWT_PRIVATE XXX Secret Key - JWT private connections
MAESTRO_NOAUTH XXX Secret Pass to validate private connections
MAESTRO_WEBSOCKET_SECRET XXX Secret Key - JWT Websocket connections
MAESTRO_INSERT_QTD 20 Prefetch data insert
MAESTRO_GWORKERS 2 Gworkers thread pool
CELERY_BROKER_URL amqp://rabbitmq:5672 RabbitMQ connection